Come di consueto, Il buon Anton ha rilasciato alla fine del mese un robusto aggiornamento per Hot Dogs, Horseshoes & Hand Grenades (da ora H3VR, l’acronimo ufficiale). E’ stavolta focalizzato sui bot, programmabili nel respawning e con una migliore intelligenza nel combattimento. Migliorie anche sul fronte dell’interfaccia e la solita generosa aggiunta di equipaggiamento bellico. Ecco il changelog completo:
Soldier-Weiner-Bots (SWBs) Mk 1.1
Configurable Spawner:
– Found in Arena and Mini-Arena (for now)
– Capable of picking from a range of Armor, Health, Perception, Speed and Firearms.
– All Parameters can be randomized.
– Can manually spawn bots into level, or enable Auto-Spawning.
– Auto Spawner can configurable Max Simultaneous Bots and Spawning Speed.
– Auto Spawner always chooses a random spawn point at least 12 meters from player.
New SWB Firearm Selection:
– Now can choose between G17, 870 cutoff, Mac11 and M16
– Each firearm gives the bot custom engagement range behavior
– Each firearm has unique firing cadence behavior, burst groups, and accuracy
Dynamic Firearm Repositioning:
– SWBs can now move their firearms around their body
– SWBs perpetually test various engagement angles to find the best one give target position
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