Paddle Up si aggiorna con Lobby, Tornei Ranked, nuova fisica e altro


Paddle Up, uno dei più promettenti giochi di Ping Pong per HTC VIVE, si aggiorna con le seguenti novità:

  • Online matches now support ranking with ELO rating.
  • New lobby system to see who else is playing, invite them, or group chat.
  • New physics for the paddle and table.
  • Customize your paddle outside of the presets.
  • Added support to play to 21 in online matches.
  • Minimized voice chat lag.
  • Leaderboard for ranking top players.
  • Made AI at higher difficulties more prone to failure against good plays. (more work needed here)
  • Added render scale option to graphics menu.
  • Lowered traffic noise in Penthouse level.
  • Added profile button during multiplayer to add player your playing with as a Steam Friend.
  • Integrated with Steam’s view players played with feature. (Steam Menu -> View -> Players)


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Link: Gruppo VR-ITALIA



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